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В данном обращении говорится о том, что Вы выступаете против снятия моратория на продажу дериватов (частей тела в т.ч. рогов) сайгака из Казахстана за границу. На наш взгляд ситуация с массовым забоем сайгака связана именно с тем, чтобы возобновить поставки дорогостоящих рогов для народной медицины и продление запрета может послужить началом обсуждений для поиска гуманных альтернатив регуляции численности сайгака, которые сегодня не рассматриваются.
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Dear All!
Please draw your attention to the situation unfolding in Kazakhstan with the regulation of saiga numbers through mass slaughter. At present there is a sad situation where the Ministry of Nature of Kazakhstan, having failed to provide any humane alternatives to the mass slaughter of saigas at the official level, is lobbying for the lifting of the ban on the export of saiga derivatives.
Public activists in Kazakhstan are convinced that the root of the evil lies in the impending sale of horns, as well as in inept management, where neither farmers nor the government have any idea of the methods of competent, ecological, modern farming and cattle breeding. Meanwhile, several rallies in defense of the saiga took place, predictably with no effect on the actions of the authorities. In fact, some activists claimed that the farmers, for whose sake the state had taken “emergency measures”, had over-exaggerated the situation. There were other proposals from farmers who asked to be allowed to dig up fields, as saigas do not cross trenches or railroad tracks, but their proposal was not considered.
Provided that the topic of mass slaughter of saigas is still frowned upon in society, and there is debate around the choice of regulation method.
– We ask you not to lift the ban on the export of saiga derivatives from the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Sincerely, Isaeva Dilyara!! ЗАМЕНИТЬ НА СВОЕ ФИО